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Environment Chapter

Environment Chapter

In our sense of responsibility for the state of the environment and its impact on the quality of life of all people, we consistently implement solutions that allow us to minimise our interference in the environment.

Renewable Energy Sources

Environment | Renewable Energy Sources

The Enea Capital Group is a member of the Group:

  • 21 hydroelectric power stations
  • 3 wind power plants: Bardy, Darżyno and Baczyn
  • 2 biogas plants in Gorzesław and Liszków

In our power plants and combined heat and power plants, we also use biomass as a fuel for energy production.

In the Renewable Energy Segment, electricity sales in 2017 amounted to

373 GWh
  • 42% outside the Enea Group,
  • 58% within the Enea Group

Production of energy from renewable sources

Production of energy from renewable sources by the Enea Capital Group 2016 2017
Production from renewable energy sources [GWh], of which: 539 GWh 2 263 GWh
Biomass combustion – Enea Wytwarzanie 256 GWh 69 GWh
Enea Wytwarzanie – RES Segment (hydroelectric power plants) 113 GWh 173 GWh
Enea Wytwarzanie – RES Segment (wind farms) 160 GWh 190 GWh
Enea Wytwarzanie – RES Segment (biogas plants) 10 GWh 10 GWh
Biomass co-firing – Enea Elektrownia Połaniec27 no data 529 GWh
Biomass combustion – Enea Elektrownia Połaniec (zielony blok)28 no data 1 292 GWh

27) Data for Enea Elektrownia Połaniec is presented only for 2017 (including the period prior to the incorporation of Enea Połaniec into the Enea Group) as Enea Elektrownia Połaniec was not part of the Enea Group in 2016.

28) Data for Enea Elektrownia Połaniec is presented only for 2017 (including the period prior to the incorporation of Enea Połaniec into the Enea Group) as Enea Elektrownia Połaniec was not part of the Enea Group in 2016.

We educate and educate our customers on the subject of Renewable Energy Sources (RES). An example of this is one of our ENERGY + Photovoltaics offers, which enables the Customer to become a Prospectus, i.e. to obtain their own energy source in the form of photovoltaic panels in combination with our services and professional advice.

Energy + Photovoltaics is a comprehensive offer, which includes assistance in the analysis of technical needs and possibilities, design of a photovoltaic installation, obtaining financing, installation and free connection to the network.

Details of the offer are available at www.enea.pl/fotowoltaika

Existing capital expenditures of the Enea Group in RES

2014 2015 2016 2017
Capital expenditures in RES [million PLN] 13,10 94,30 6,14 4,44

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