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Employees Chapter

Employees Chapter

We want the people working for us to develop their potential for themselves and the Group as a whole.

Training and education

Employees | Training and education

We support the development of our employees through the system of organised trainings, as well as through subsidies for the forms of education undertaken by them outside of Enea. We are aware that a team of competent employees is the basis for the effective operation of our Group.

Enea Centrum supports and organises training processes of other companies in the Group. The training profiles are carefully selected to meet the needs of the employees and, at the same time, in line with the development directions of Enea.

In 2017, Enea Centrum implemented a new version of the e-learning platform, which facilitates the training process for its users. Thanks to it, the Group’s employees have access to a detailed summary of future, ongoing and completed training.

  • See the subject of obligatory training provided by the e-learning platform:

    • Enea Group Compliance Policy
    • Enea Group Gift Acceptance and Giving Policy
    • Rules of processing information on the Enea Group
    • Protection of personal data
    • REMIT (training dedicated to Enea Trading employees)
    • Enea Operator Compliance Programme (training dedicated to Enea Operator’s employees)
  • Manager’s Academy

    In 2017, 195 employees took part in the Manager’s Academy. They took part in a series of training courses aimed at, inter alia:

    • Better understanding of one’s role in shaping the team
    • Learning more motivating ways, without the use of manipulation techniques, to involve employees in the management process in order to strengthen the key role of the employee in the development of each enterprise
    • Learning practical ways to work together in a team and communicate more effectively
    • Learning to delegate tasks in a way that is appropriate to the employee’s level of development
    • Learning to monitor the tasks performed on an ongoing basis in order to encourage the Employee to carry them out
    • Learning to plan well in the short and long term – one’s own and as part of the team’s work
    • Learning constructive ways to discuss problems: developing ideas and constructive criticism
  • Talent Development Programme

    The objective of this programme is to develop soft skills in managerial employees and potential candidates for such positions. In 2017, 47 employees. were trained under this programme.

    In addition, our companies individually provide employee training in managerial skills.

    In 2017, the subjects of such training included:

    • Communication in team leadership and conflict resolution
    • Training in employee appraisal
    • Development of competencies related to project management

    As part of all managerial skills development programmes carried out in our Group, we trained a total of


    employees in 2017.

  • Examples of other subjects of non-compulsory training

    The companies provide e-learning and classroom training, as well as wider educational programmes in line with the identified needs for competence development. In 2017, in Enea SA alone, 94 training projects were implemented, including external trainings and closed projects, in which 456 participants participated, including 422 in specialist trainings and 38 in conferences.

    See examples of training provided by the companies

    Name of company Topics of non-compulsory training
    Enea SA Training in team leadership communication and conflict resolution
    Training in project management ‘Project Manager Essential,’ ‘Project Risk Management
    Training in effective project management
    AIDDA Active sales training workshop (basic module, advanced model)
    Enea Centrum sp. z o.o.  Training for staff in managerial skills (Manager’s Academy)
    Customer service training: Negotiations, interpersonal skills, sales training for Customer Service Representatives
    Stress management training (under the New Energy programme)
    Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.  Technical, financial, legal training

    Training in negotiation, communication, project management, law, public procurement
    Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o. w Obornikach In 2017, no employees were assigned to non-compulsory training.

    Enea Ciepło Serwis sp. z o.o. Training on the company’s environmental reporting obligations and on the most common errors arising during an EIA inspection

    Training entitled: Opportunity to improve the professional power and heating sector to meet the requirements of the BAT conclusions

    wymagań konkluzji BAT
    Enea Ciepło sp. z o.o. Training in the regulation of rights to real property occupied for the purposes of industrial equipment in the heating industry
    Training in the analysis of changes in the VAT Act in 2017.
    Training in the regulation of the new Energy Efficiency Act and their impact on the development of heat tariffs
    Training in information on Company Social Benefits Fund 2017
    Training in innovative geospatial solutions 2017
    Training in TIG welding
    Training in acetylene oxide welding
    Preparatory training for the CISSP examination
    Training on mandatory documentation of data processing in the IPO
    Industrial cyber security training
    Academy of Management and Supervisory Board Office
    Training in the scope of salary documentation adjustments and consequences for settlements with Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) and Tax Office (US).
    Training in managing working time in 2017
    Miejska Energetyka Cieplna Piła sp. z o.o. Management training on employee appraisal

    Welding courses for Employees
    Enea Operator sp. z o.o. Training related to acquisition and development of specialist, technical and IT competencies

    Sense-Making training, Team Building training, interpersonal skills

    Training for Social Labour Inspectors

    Training in project resource management, logistics, communication, energy law, construction law.

    Training in the Code of Commercial Partnerships Companies and in the Civil Code
    Enea Oświetlenie sp. z o.o. Training relating to the acquisition and development of technical competence, particularly the profession of electrical fitter
    Enea Elektrownia Połaniec SA Talent Development Programme – addressed to managers and employees preparing for promotion. In 2017, 43 people took part in the programme.
    Enea Bioenergia sp. z o.o. Training in technical competence, e.g. efficient, safe and environmentally conscious work with construction machines
    Excel Training for Intermediate skiers
    Training in managerial skills, among others: management in a changing environment, prevention of professional burnout, employee appraisals, management of a production team
    Training in professional management of the company’s management office
    Training in interpersonal skills: discrimination and harassment in the workplace
    English language classes
    Enea Pomiary sp. z o.o.        Training in metrology – monitoring measurement equipment in laboratories.
    Training in communication in the company
    Training in the field of information systems in the energy sector
    Enea Serwis sp. z o.o. Technical and specific training – especially for electrical fitters
    Training for managerial staff
    Enea Logistyka sp. z o.o.   Accounting training – year-end tax and accounting training, tax review
    Course of the Data Protection Officer
    Training in logistics to obtain a certificate of professional competence
    Energy training gr. II and III, TDT
    SQL and analyst training databases
    Training in environmental law
    Training in pre-medical assistance
    Periodic SIP training  
    Training in public procurement law
    Enea Trading sp. z o.o. Training related to the ability to use Excel

    Training in managerial skills

    Average number of training hours per employee in 2017 – by gender and employment structure

    Name of company Average number of training hours per
    Employees in total Women Men Highest managerial staff Directors Lower-level management Operational employees Office employees
    Enea SA 16.01 12.08 20.34 16.00 28.00 14.23 0.00 14.39
    Enea Centrum sp. z o.o.   2.69 2.70 8.44 2.67 21.05 11.33 0.00 2.71
    Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.   15.76 14.95 15.88 145.33 48.42 39.07 12.46 16.65
    Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o. w Obornikach 4.68 24.00 2.69 0.00 24.00 6.40 2.50 17.00
    Enea Ciepło Serwis sp. z o.o. 15.48 4.80 15.89 0.00 0.00 5.33 17.58 10.00
    Enea Ciepło sp. z o.o. 13.69 11.24 14.23 0.00 10.00 19.28 15.17 9.75
    Miejska Energetyka Cieplna Piła sp. z o.o. 6.80 6.56 6.84 73.25 69.50 19.33 2.11 8.11
    Enea Operator sp. z o.o. 2.15 2.52 2.32 16.00 10.28 3.12 3.09 1.35
    Enea Oświetlenie sp. z o.o. 0.63 0.00 0.82 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.13 1.71
    Enea Elektrownia Połaniec SA 45.54  61.51 42.21   0.00 103.21   88.11  58.90  32.56
    Enea Bioenergia sp. z o.o. 41.95 57.33 41.29 32.00 36.75 83.18 37.34 54.26
    Enea Pomiary sp. z o.o. 2.53 4.34 1.99 0.00 12.00 15.00 1.34 10.83
    Enea Serwis sp. z o.o. 3.83 2.84 4.14 0.00 10.67 4.96 4.53 3.97
    Enea Logistyka sp. z o.o. 10.24 11.11 11.11 0.00 5.80 11.02 9.07 8.60
    Enea Trading sp. z o.o. 14.58 11.87 15.96 168.00 14.67 24.00 0.00 6.75

    Average number of training hours provided through the e-learning platform per Group Employee in 2017

    Average number of e-learning training hours per Employee
    Employees in total Women Men Highest managerial staff Directors Lower-level management Operational employees Office employees
    Enea Group – total of all companies covered by the reporting 2.69 3.18 2.13 1.19 1.91 2.74 0.14 3.00

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